Auto Purchase Orders
Create POs, suppliers. Auto dropship orders. Stock transfers

App allows you to create purchase orders, manage suppliers and track incoming inventory. You can easily create PO for each order in your store. Send created POs directly to suppliers via email from your custom domain. After you receive your purchase order, you can transfer product inventory directly to Shopify.

Why use Auto Purchase Orders?

App is easy to use and understand with no training or prior experience

Automate orders management/fulfillment
When a customer places their orders, you can assign the supplier/manufacturer to each product and send them a PO with just one click. Or you can turn on the "Auto PO" feature and the app will auto-generate PO with PDF and send it to your suppliers.
Purchase Orders
You can create Purchase Orders in several ways - manually, filling out the form, preloading from Shopify order, or automatically (using Auto PO feature).
Easy Setup - Developer Free
No developers needed! Just install Auto Purchase Orders and create your first professional PO and send PDF immediately to suppler.
Control your inventory / restock items
When you receive inventory from your supplier, the app updates the number of items that you have available in your store – no manual work.
Save hours and money
Saves you hours each week by automating Purchase Orders creation for your fulfillment vendors. No more Excel needed.
Premium support
As a store owner myself, I'm determined to help you grow your business. With this mindset, I'm quick to respond and eager to solve any problem.
Multi-currency support
If your store's currency is different from the supplier, then the cost per item for each product will be converted to supplier currency.
Reliable email delivery
Track when the email was delivered and opened by the supplier. Be confident that the email was delivered successfully.

Ready to automate orders management/fulfillment?
Start your free trial today.

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